Pool Maintenance: 5 Quick Tips to Do in a Week

Do you feel too tired to do pool and hot tub maintenance because you think it takes a lot of work?

There are quick things you can always do to make sure your swimming pool is always in good shape and free from rust stains.

We’ll discuss five of these quick tips to make your swimming pools and hot tubs look great again!

Man in blue shirt fixing pool system

Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance: 5 Quick Tips

Remember to keep all pieces intact, from the pool decks, pool coping, plastering, filters, and pumps. And down to the accents, you add crucial to keeping the pool looking plush.

Weekly pool maintenance is paramount for home and business owners with swimming pools on their properties. Doing so would also save your business some cost on pool resurfacing.

Tip #1: Keep It Simple

You don’t always need the best-selling or branded tool, cleaners, and chemicals for your swimming pool maintenance. Even white vinegar can help the shells and jets of your hot tub stay in good condition.

Make sure you use white vinegar and not any other kind of vinegar. This will help brighten and shine your hot tub and tiles. 

But if you need to lower the pH, use a pH decrease rather than vinegar for the best results.

You can also use a spray solution to leave on your filters to soak before you rinse them. That’s not a hard job at all!

Tip #2: Keep It Clean

Now that you know which readily available cleaning solutions you can use, find a:

  • Cleaning Sponge
  • Pool Skimmer
  • Pool vacuum you can buy or borrow
  • Pool Covering

To top it off, add your favorite sanitizer and use it according to the directions on the package. Just ensure that the pH and alkalinity of the water are balanced so that the sanitizer will be effective.

Pool vacuum

Tip #3: Keep It Balanced

Your weekly maintenance for the pool and tub is also an excellent time to check your water chemistry and re-balance it.

If you want to avoid issues, one thing you should do is stay in balance. Using pool chemical balancing kits is a quick way to do this. This will make keeping the pool in balance easier, which is initially hard. Plus, you won’t have to worry about pool maintenance costs.

  • Strips: The fastest and cheapest way to test water is to use only strips.
  • Liquid Test Kits: They come with reagents and testing tubes. Pros use these kits because they are very accurate and cheap.
  • Digital Pool Tester: You can get digital if you have the money.

Tip #4: Keep It Checked

The pool or hot tub water should stay about the same, so the pool must leak if you keep adding water. But if you’re unsure, here’s a quick way to get in touch with a pool contractor in your area:

  • You turn on location on your device and search on google “pool maintenance near me” anytime if there are troubles you can’t solve.
  • Or go through social media about pool maintenance in Las Vegas since they offer excellent services.

Tip #5: Keep It Consistent

With yourself and your contacts in pool maintenance service, you can keep your pools and hot tubs looking great and strong for longer.

Keep posted on any updates with them for any deals and promos, and always remember why you must keep your properties clean and safe.

It also helps to have a checklist of things to do every week so you won’t forget.

From Skimmer To Shimmer

Weekly pool maintenance is essential if you don’t want to waste money on the damage that could have been avoided. 

This could also be your daily or weekly exercise and a part of your hygiene. Cleanliness is wellness, and a gentle pass of the skimmer won’t harm you.

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